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10 Home Remedies To Treat Dandruff At Home

While dandruff can be a rather embarrassing and confidence-lowering condition, it isn’t very serious in most cases. Which is why, you should only consider shelling out money at a salon once you’ve tried curing it at home, and with ingredients you may already have in your kitchen. 1. Coconut Oil & Lemon Massage Coconut oil nourishes your hair, while lemon juice helps to treat dandruff at home without using harmful chemicals. Given below is the easiest dandruff home remedy: Step 1: Heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it with equal amounts of lemon juice. Step 2: Massage your scalp gently with the mixture. Step 3: Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing if off with shampoo. 2. Fenugreek Pack as a Dandruff Remedy This home remedy for dandruff uses fenugreek seeds. Follow the instructions below to use fenugreek pack to cure dandruff: Step 1: Soak some fenugreek or methi seeds in water overnight. Step 2: Drain the leftover water and mash the softened se

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